Released in 2022, Jack Mimoun et les secrets de Val Verde is a dynamic adventure comedy directed by Malik Bentalha and Ludovic Colbeau-Justin(Le Lion). The film follows Jack Mimoun, a reluctant adventurer played by Malik Bentalha(Taxi 5), who returns to the island of Val Verde on a perilous mission. Starring Joséphine Japy(Mon Inconnue) and Jérôme Commandeur(Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis), the film combines humor, action and a frantic quest for legendary treasure, in a spirit reminiscent of great adventure comedies such as Indiana Jones or Jumanji.
Two years after surviving alone on the hostile island of Val Verde, Jack Mimoun(Malik Bentalha) has become an adventure star. The book recounting his experience is a bestseller, and his TV show is breaking audience records. He is then approached by the mysterious Aurélie Diaz(Joséphine Japy), who takes Jack Mimoun back to Val Verde in search of the legendary pirate's sword La Buse. Accompanied by Bruno Quézac(Jérôme Commandeur), Jack's ambitious but reckless manager, and Jean-Marc Bastos(François Damiens), a mercenary as troubled as he is unpredictable, our adventurers embark on an incredible treasure hunt through the jungle of the island of a thousand dangers.
Jack Mimoun and the Secrets of Val Verde is aimed at a wide audience, including fans of adventure comedies and tales of exploration with a light touch. Part adventure film, part parody, Mimoun et les secrets de Val Verde will delight fans of classic films such as The Goonies and The Secret of the Pyramid, while bringing a modern edge with its colorful characters. Malik Bentalha 's comic performance and the contrasting personalities of his companions provide a delicious mix of action and laughs, with offbeat situations and piquant dialogue.
Jack Mimoun and the Secrets of Val Verde is a fast-paced, humorous comedy-adventure, ideal for an evening out with family and friends. Thanks to a talented cast and dynamic direction, this film promises a moment of pure entertainment, where action and laughter mingle in a crazy treasure hunt. Don't miss this adventure on TF1 on Sunday, October 20, 2024 at 9:10pm.
New films and series on streaming platforms in December 2024
Don't know what to watch? To find your way around the endless catalogs of streaming platforms, rely on our guide! Netflix, Disney +, Prime Video, Paramount+, Apple TV+, Max... Here's a quick roundup of films and series to watch right now. [Read more]Streaming: what are we watching this Sunday December 15, 2024 on Netflix, Amazon and Disney+ platforms?
Feeling like curling up in front of the TV today? We've got the week's releases on your favorite streaming platforms, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+! [Read more]