Released in 2022, Kompromat is a captivating thriller directed by Jérôme Salle, known for his previous successes such as Largo Winch and L'Odyssée. Inspired by true events, the film stars Gilles Lellouche(Bac Nord, Le Grand Bain) as Mathieu Roussel, a French expatriate caught up in a plot orchestrated by the Russian secret service. The term "kompromat" refers to compromising documents used to harm an individual, a process commonly employed by Russian authorities to eliminate their enemies. Lellouche is joined by Joanna Kulig, seen in Cold War, and a talented cast including Louis-Do de Lencquesaing and Russian actors Mikhail Safronov and Michael Gor.
In 2017, in Russia, Mathieu Roussel, a French expatriate, is brutally arrested in front of his daughter. Victim of a "kompromat", a plot hatched by the Russian secret services, he is accused of crimes he did not commit. Facing a life sentence, Mathieu sees only one way out: escape and attempt to reach France to prove his innocence and save his life. Pursued by the Russian authorities, his path to freedom is strewn with pitfalls.
Kompromat will appeal above all to fans of political thrillers and dramas based on true events. The film, with its breathless pace and suspenseful script, should captivate those who appreciate tales of injustice and survival. Gilles Lellouche 's intense acting and Jérôme Salle 's immersive direction offer a gripping plunge into the workings of political manipulation. Compared to films such as The Mole or Argo, Kompromat brilliantly blends psychological tension and action, while highlighting the excesses of the Russian authorities.
Kompromat is a thrilling thriller that highlights the dangers of an authoritarian system and the challenges a single man can face in defending his innocence. Thanks to Gilles Lellouche 's remarkable performance and Jérôme Salle's incisive direction, this film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats right up to the last minute. Don't miss its broadcast this Sunday, October 13, 2024 at 9:10pm on France 2.
New films and series on streaming platforms in December 2024
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