Following on from the success of the first installment, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom unveils its first trailer, promising another thrilling adventure. Directed by James Wan and written by David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick, this sequel stars Jason Momoa, Amber Heard and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, among others. The VOD release is scheduled for April 18 for purchase and May 1, 2024 for rental.
The story continues the adventures ofAquaman, confronted by his enemy, Black Manta, now more powerful with the mythical Black Trident. To fight him, Aquaman will call on his imprisoned brother, Orm, forming an unlikely alliance.
In addition to Momoa as Arthur Curry/Aquaman, the film sees the return of Patrick Wilson as Orm, Amber Heard as Mera, Queen of Atlantis, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Black Manta and Nicole Kidman as Atlanna. Dolph Lundgren and Randall Park also reprise their respective roles.
Directed by Wan, the film is produced by Peter Safran, Wan and Rob Cowan, with a script based on the DC Aquaman characters created by Paul Norris and Mort Weisinger.
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