Tobacco-free areas in Parisian parks

Published by Rizhlaine de Sortiraparis · Published on July 3rd, 2018 at 11:00 a.m.
Should we expect tobacco-free areas in Parisian parks? It’s the wish filed at the Conseil de Paris by the Left Radicals, the Centre, and the Independents (also known as RGCI – Radicaux de gauche, centre et indépendants in French).

After setting up ashtrays on each Parisian bin, €35 fine for any cigarette butt thrown on the floor as well as the ban of smoking near playgrounds, Parisians elected representatives of the Left Radicals, the Centre and the Independents (RGCI) shown their will to go even further in fighting against pollution and passive smoking in Paris.

It’s a wish that will be filled at the Conseil de Paris [Paris Council] starting this July 2, 2018. Parisian elected representatives of RGCI are about to request the testing of tobacco-free areas in Parisian parks. A process like the one adopted a few years ago when trials have been carried out for a year in a green area in Paris 14th arrondissement. The latter involved the ban of smoking near children playgrounds. This trial ended in 2015 and led to a definitive ban.

The group shows the will to fight against the normalization of cigarette and smoking in a general manner. It also shows a wish to clean up by mentioning, for example, the current presence of cigarette butts in sandboxes. To be followed closely.

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