Nuit Blanche 2023: a performance at the École Municipale des Beaux Arts, Galerie Édouard Manet (92)

Published by Anna de B. · Published on May 23th, 2023 at 03:43 p.m.
Nuit Blanche returns to Paris in 2023 to transform the City of Light into a contemporary art scene. For the occasion, discover a work by Bertrand Dezoteux at the École Municipale des Beaux Arts, Galerie Édouard Manet.

Every year, the city of Paris awakens to a dazzling nocturnal festival of creativity and artistic expression: Nuit Blanche! The event transforms the City of Light into an open-air stage for contemporary art. Installations and performances permeate every street corner, park and monument, creating an unforgettable nocturnal journey. For 2023, get ready to experience a thrilling and enchanting Nuit Blanche at theÉcole Municipale des Beaux Arts, Galerie Édouard Manet.

TheÉcole Municipale des Beaux Arts, Galerie Édouard Manet, is a landmark of artistic creation and expression. Founded in the early 20th century, it has trained generations of artistic talent and has always been at the heart of artistic innovation. Named after the famous painter Édouard Manet, the gallery houses an impressive collection of contemporary works of art. Its bold and stimulating exhibitions make it a jewel in the crown of Paris's cultural landscape.

A visit to theÉcole Municipale des Beaux Arts, Galerie Édouard Manet on Saturday June 3 is an opportunity to enjoy a unique experience. The gallery's historic rooms will come alive with installations and artistic performances. This year, the spotlight will be on a work by filmmaker Bertrand Dezoteux! The Nuit Blanche promises to give you a whole new perspective on Paris: an unforgettable event not to be missed. Mark your calendars!

The Nuit Blanche program at the École Municipale des Beaux Arts, Galerie Édouard Manet :

Aucun événement annoncé à ce jour, le programme est mis à jour en fonction des annonces officielles.

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
On June 3rd, 2023
From 06:00 p.m. to 09:00 p.m.

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


    3 Place Jean Grandel
    92230 Gennevilliers


    Official website

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