Zombieland: Double Tap: VOD release date

Published by Julie de Sortiraparis, Laurent de Sortiraparis · Published on March 29th, 2020 at 01:13 p.m.
Zombieland Double Tap, A Ruben Fleischer movie following the first movie of the franchise, is out in France in VOD on March 11, 2020. The zombie killing quartet returns ten years after the first movie… Let’s discover the different trailers together.

10 years passed and we truly missed them… Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita and Little Rock are back in theaters to kick some zombie asses in Zombieland: Double Tap out in VOD on March 11, 2020 in France. A movie following Welcome to Zombieland out ten years ago and produced by Ruben Fleischer (Gangster Squad, Venom…).

A movie always starring Woody Harrelson (Solo: A Star Wars Story, Venom…), Jesse Eisenberg (Now You See Me 2, Justice League…), Emma Stone (La La Land, The Favourite…) and Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine, Ender’s Game…) as Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita and Little Rock, four strong characters teaming up to survive in a post-apocalyptical world infested with zombies. A movie also starring Zoey Deutch (The Disaster Artist, Richard Says Goodbye…), Avan Jogia (The Year of Spectacular Men, Shaft…), Rosario Dawson (Marvel’s Jessica Jones…), Thomas Middletich (The Wolf of Wall Street, Replicas…), Luke Wilson (Berlin I Love You, The Goldfinch…) and even Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray (Ghost Busters…) as themselves.


Chaos rules the country, from the White House to the smallest and most remote cities. Our four killers now have to face new species of zombies that evolved in ten years along with a handful of humans. But these conflicts own to this improvised “family” remain the hardest to manage…

Retour à Zombieland : critique et bandes-annoncesRetour à Zombieland : critique et bandes-annoncesRetour à Zombieland : critique et bandes-annoncesRetour à Zombieland : critique et bandes-annonces


Zombieland Double Tap is an entertaining comedy with funny and moving actors, and a story a tad more built than the previous movie. New life-saving heads - such as Zoey Deutsch and Luke Wilson - are undoubtedly helping. A good movie that brings some fresh air to the current movie landscape.

Good points that make up for the unfortunately predictable scenario easy to see through, that sounds like the first movie but without the surprise and the blood. It looks dejà-vu and may discourage some movie fans but will delight hardcore fans from the first opus. Note that the post-credits scene is worth it! A nice movie perfect for a Halloween night out with friends.

Trailer #1:

Trailer #2:

A movie available in VOD on March 11th, 2020.

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
Starts March 11th, 2020

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.
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