Costumes en fête, the exhibition at the Philharmonie de Paris

Published by · Published on April 14th, 2020 at 04:30 p.m.
The Philharmonie de Paris hosts the exhibition Costumes en fête as part of the 40th anniversary of the musical ensemble Les Arts Florissants, from December 20, 2019 to May 11, 2020. For the occasion, the museum brings together over 40 costumes created for Les Arts Florissants' finest opera productions, from Monteverdi's Retour d'Ulysse to Rameau's Indes galantes.

Founded in 1979 by William Christie, Les Arts Florissants is one of the world's most renowned ensembles dedicated to Baroque music. In residence at the Philharmonie de Paris since 2015, it's only natural that the venue should celebrate the 40th anniversary of Les Arts Florissants with a temporary exhibition, Costumes en fête, to be seen in the heart of the Musée de la Musique from December 20, 2019 to May 11, 2020.

In the museum's halls, silk costumes bring a different perspective to the 1,000 instruments on display. Between Chopin's piano and Antonio Stradivari's Sarasate violin, the Musée de la Musique unveils 40 costumes from the opera productions of this ensemble, from Monteverdi's Return of Ulysses to Rameau's Indes galantes . The costumes are magnificent, produced for baroque operas of the French Grand Siècle and presented all over the world.

Costumes en fête, l'exposition à la Philharmonie de ParisCostumes en fête, l'exposition à la Philharmonie de ParisCostumes en fête, l'exposition à la Philharmonie de ParisCostumes en fête, l'exposition à la Philharmonie de Paris

Every year, the 60 singers and musicians of theArts florissants ensemble bring Mozart, Purcell, Rameau, Handel and Campra to life in 100 performances around the world, as well as during a major festival in the Vendée.

Here's a great opportunity to revisit this confidential museum, and why not take the opportunity to see a concert!

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
From December 20th, 2019 to May 10th, 2020

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


    221, av. Jean-Jaurès
    75019 Paris 19

    -26 ans, chômeurs et handicapés: Free
    tarif réduit: €6
    tarif plein: €8

    Official website

    More information
    Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday, 12pm to 6pm, Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 6pm

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