Ascension weekend: 10 plays to see in Paris over the long weekend

Published by La Rédac · Published on April 5th, 2024 at 05:21 p.m.
Take advantage of Ascension weekend, May 8 to 12, 2024, to explore the most captivating plays in Paris.

Ascension weekend is the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the Parisian cultural universe. With Ascension Thursday this year ( 2024) falling the day after the May 8 holiday, and therefore not 4 but 5 days off, the entertainment possibilities are endless, but it's the theater that shines brightest, offering a variety of plays not to be missed. This guide is your passport to an exceptional theatrical escapade in the capital.

During this long weekend, Parisian theaters unveil special programs, reflecting the diversity and richness of the theatrical scene. From timeless classics to innovative contemporary creations, each show is a promise of escape, laughter and emotion.

Spring weather is ideal for strolling the streets of Paris before heading off to one of the city's many theaters. The mild May evenings invite you to extend the experience, whether with a moonlit stroll or a drink on a terrace, discussing the shows you've seen.

The plays selected for Ascension are chosen for their ability to captivate and move, ensuring that every outing is a memorable one. Taking advantage of these holidays to discover the incredible talent of the actors, directors and playwrights who bring the Parisian stage to life is an opportunity not to be missed.

To make the most of this cultural weekend, plan your itinerary in advance. Seats are in high demand during this period, so it's wise to book your tickets well in advance of your arrival. That way, you can be sure of a front-row seat for the season's best theatrical productions.

The Ascension weekend is an invitation to immerse yourself in the cultural abundance of Paris. The theaters, with their varied and often audacious offerings, offer a spectacular panorama of human creativity. It's a time when the City of Light shines even brighter, revealing its unfailing passion for the arts.

10 plays to see in Paris during Ascension Day:

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
From May 8th, 2024 to May 12th, 2024

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.
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