The little explorer’s box of delights at the Musée du Quai Branly

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Published by · Photos by Julie de Sortiraparis · Published on April 27th, 2018 at 04:13 p.m.
From May 23 to October7, 2018, the Musée du Quai Branly opens The Little Explorer’s Box of Delights. Through this lovely exhibition, the museum returns on the representation of the foreign and unknown from youth literature, with colonial heroes and stereotyped characters from Cook’s and Bougainville’s novels!

Paradise on Earth, a land of adventure and exploration, a savage and hostile world… from May 23 to October 7, 2018, the Musée du Quai Branly presents The Little Explorer’s Box of Delights, an exhibition focusing on French youth literature.

For centuries, European writers and artists have created an imaginary world suffused with ambivalences: stereotypes meet adventure desires, romanticism mixes with common racism.

The exhibition asks about the evolution of this youth literature from Cook’s and Bougainville’s travel stories to nowadays. We bump into Robinson Crusoe and his friend Friday, the Fenouillard Family, who reluctantly set off on a journey to America, Phileas Fogg and Passepartout and other colonial heroes and adventurers such as Bob Morane, Dady Risquetou and Freddy la Bougeotte…

Stories that, despite the nostalgia they might sometimes inspire, are enlightened edifying examples of the Western colonialism that has guided inquisitive children in their discovery of the world. A rather disturbing exhibition that will make adults and children think!

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
From May 22th, 2018 to October 7th, 2018

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


    Quai Branly
    75007 Paris 7

    Accessibility info

    Metro line 9 "Iéna" station RER C "Pont de l'Alma" station

    tarif réduit: €7
    tarif normal: €10

    Official website

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