Thomas Angelvy takes over the République in Paris

Published by Julie de Sortiraparis · Published on September 16th, 2023 at 07:08 p.m.
From September 13 to October 26, 2023, Thomas Angelvy reveals his humor at the Théâtre Le République in Paris.

With his undeniable presence and refreshing spontaneity, Thomas Angelvy is about to electrify the stage at Le République in Paris. His new series of shows is already shaping up to be one of the most eagerly awaited of the new theatrical season.

Describing himself as "the new star of comedy", Thomas has his own way of captivating audiences. Straightforward self-deprecation, an incomparable touch of humor and an anecdote about a certain cruciate ligament injury - this is pure Angelvy. Angelvy's show offers an original, offbeat approach to comedy. He doesn't just make fun of himself, he invites his audience to laugh along with him, creating an atmosphere that's both warm and hilarious.

But beyond his humor, Thomas also evokes a certain mystique. What's behind the mysterious VHS tape he describes? What memories of the past does he wish to erase? Perhaps only those who attend his performances will be lucky enough to find out.

Based on his previous performances, we know that the artist has an incredible ability to establish a sincere bond with his audience. His invitation to join him on stage is not only an opportunity to laugh, but also to discover an authentic personality who, despite his allusions to a mysterious Oreo tiramisu, remains resolutely focused on his art.

All in all, this series of performances promises to be both a moment of escape and a great opportunity to (re)discover the world of Thomas Angelvy. Whether you're already a die-hard fan or simply looking for a successful evening of comedy, Le République is definitely the place to be this autumn.

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
From September 13th, 2023 to October 26th, 2023

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


    23 Place de la République
    75003 Paris 3

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