Mime - activities

Fair Play de Patrice ThibaudFair Play de Patrice ThibaudFair Play de Patrice ThibaudFair Play de Patrice Thibaud

Fair Play, a 100% all-ages, international show

Fair Play features a burlesque duo in an extraordinary show on the theme of sport. The comedians don't speak, but use their bodies and music with humor, deconstructing the world of sports.
Avis de Temps fort, festivalAvis de Temps fort, festivalAvis de Temps fort, festivalAvis de Temps fort, festival

Avis de Temps forts, a festival dedicated to the Arts of Mime and Gesture in Bagneux

Avis de Temps forts takes place from April 22 to May 4 in Bagneaux. For thirteen days, some fifteen shows by French and non-French companies will showcase the art of mime and gesture.