Unusual outing in paris

Le Train des Bulles: a vintage train journey from Gare de l'Est to Reims

Board a vintage train from the Gare de l'Est for a day trip through Champagne on October 12, 2024, in vintage and historic carriages, for a journey through Meaux, Château-Thierry, Epernay and Reims!
Paris vaut bien une fête - danseParis vaut bien une fête - danseParis vaut bien une fête - danseParis vaut bien une fête - danse

Paris is worth a party: our photos of the popular festival with banquet, balls and historic village

If you're a history buff or a lover of the city of Paris, this is the festival for you! With a historical parade, a Liberation dinner-show, an Olympic ball and an atmospheric village where you can travel back in time to the Middle Ages, the Liberation and the Belle Époque!
Visuel Paris - Galerie des Glaces Chateau VersaillesVisuel Paris - Galerie des Glaces Chateau VersaillesVisuel Paris - Galerie des Glaces Chateau VersaillesVisuel Paris - Galerie des Glaces Chateau Versailles

Bal du Siècle 2024 at the Château de Versailles: an exceptional evening in the heart of the Roaring Twenties

The Château de Versailles commemorates its 1923 Fête Merveilleuse... With an even more magical evening. On Monday, December 9, 2024, take part in the Bal du Siècle.
Des paniers pique-nique à savourer au Waldorf Astoria Trianon Palace de VersaillesDes paniers pique-nique à savourer au Waldorf Astoria Trianon Palace de VersaillesDes paniers pique-nique à savourer au Waldorf Astoria Trianon Palace de VersaillesDes paniers pique-nique à savourer au Waldorf Astoria Trianon Palace de Versailles

The Impressionist picnic at Chambourcy to relive the "Déjeuner sur l'herbe" (Lunch on the Grass)

How about taking a leap back in time to relive the "Déjeuner sur l'Herbe" at the Impressionist Picnic in Chambourcy, this Sunday, September 8, 2024? Please remember to register free of charge for the event.
Les jardins japonais du Parc Floral de Paris au Bois de Vincennes Les jardins japonais du Parc Floral de Paris au Bois de Vincennes Les jardins japonais du Parc Floral de Paris au Bois de Vincennes Les jardins japonais du Parc Floral de Paris au Bois de Vincennes

Ideas for outings in Paris to extend your vacation and beat the homecoming blues

Want to prolong the vacation spirit? We've come up with some great ideas for getting out and about in Paris, to help you beat the return-to-school blues. With immersive exhibitions, sunny terraces, festive spots and exotic walks, we're ready to take off!
Château de Fontainebleau - Napoléon III et Eugénie -  A7C3965 HDRChâteau de Fontainebleau - Napoléon III et Eugénie -  A7C3965 HDRChâteau de Fontainebleau - Napoléon III et Eugénie -  A7C3965 HDRChâteau de Fontainebleau - Napoléon III et Eugénie -  A7C3965 HDR

Une nuit d'été à la cour, exceptional nocturnes at the Château de Fontainebleau

This summer, the Château de Fontainebleau is offering exceptional nocturnal tours of the monument. Visit us from July 11 to August 15, from August 17 to August 24 and from August 29 to September 7, 2024 to enjoy this unusual experience.
Paris Hot Sauce FestivalParis Hot Sauce FestivalParis Hot Sauce FestivalParis Hot Sauce Festival

Paris Hot Sauce Festival 2024: Tasting and chilli-eating contest at Bar Gallia

Hot sauce tasting and a chili-eating contest are on the program for the Paris Hot Sauce Festival 2024, on September 14, 2024 at the Gallia bar.
Les îles du lac inférieur, au bois de Boulogne - nos photos - image00025Les îles du lac inférieur, au bois de Boulogne - nos photos - image00025Les îles du lac inférieur, au bois de Boulogne - nos photos - image00025Les îles du lac inférieur, au bois de Boulogne - nos photos - image00025

Unusual: take a river shuttle for a ride on an island in the heart of Paris

Many people are familiar with the Bois de Boulogne, yet few really know that it's home to two of the capital's most beautiful lakes and their picturesque islands. Come on board with us: we're off to discover these hidden treasures of Paris!
Mad Golf, le premier mini-golf indoor à l'ambiance rétro et insolite au cœur de ParisMad Golf, le premier mini-golf indoor à l'ambiance rétro et insolite au cœur de ParisMad Golf, le premier mini-golf indoor à l'ambiance rétro et insolite au cœur de ParisMad Golf, le premier mini-golf indoor à l'ambiance rétro et insolite au cœur de Paris

Mad Golf, the first indoor mini-golf course with a retro and unusual atmosphere in the heart of Paris

Paris's first indoor mini-golf course awaits you in the 2nd arrondissement, with two immersive, unusual 9-hole courses in a uniquely colorful retro atmosphere!
La Serre aux Papillons du Parc Floral La Serre aux Papillons du Parc Floral La Serre aux Papillons du Parc Floral La Serre aux Papillons du Parc Floral

The Butterfly Garden, an unusual stroll in a Parc Floral greenhouse

The Butterfly Garden returns to the Parc Floral de Paris. Join us from May 15 to October 15, 2024 for a magical stroll through an enchanted greenhouse, where you'll be surrounded by these shimmering butterflies!
Polpo plage - Marina bateaux électrique  -  A7C2369 HDRPolpo plage - Marina bateaux électrique  -  A7C2369 HDRPolpo plage - Marina bateaux électrique  -  A7C2369 HDRPolpo plage - Marina bateaux électrique  -  A7C2369 HDR

Polpo Plage, the beach terrace on the Seine with Marina and electric boats in brazier mode

Polpo plage awaits you with its deckchairs and straw-hut-style bar! You'll be able to enjoy a lovely summer beach terrace, with your feet in the sand, and a marina where you can take a boat trip on the Seine! This year, brasero evenings await you as a bonus.
La Belle et la Bête, le nouveau spectacle son et lumières au Château des Cèdres de MontfermeilLa Belle et la Bête, le nouveau spectacle son et lumières au Château des Cèdres de MontfermeilLa Belle et la Bête, le nouveau spectacle son et lumières au Château des Cèdres de MontfermeilLa Belle et la Bête, le nouveau spectacle son et lumières au Château des Cèdres de Montfermeil

Beauty and the Beast, the magical sound and light show at the Château des Cèdres in Montfermeil (93)

In the Seine-Saint-Denis department, northwest of Paris, the town of Montfermeil hosts Beauty and the Beast, a sound and light show based on one of the most famous children's fairy tales.
Le Moulin jaune - Hanami 2023 -  A7C1892Le Moulin jaune - Hanami 2023 -  A7C1892Le Moulin jaune - Hanami 2023 -  A7C1892Le Moulin jaune - Hanami 2023 -  A7C1892

Hippies Flowers weekend at Le Moulin Jaune: an unusual and colorful bohemian escape

Immerse yourself in the colorful, bohemian world of the Moulin Jaune on June 1 and 2, 2024. A festive, immersive weekend awaits you in this enchanting garden, transformed for the occasion into a hippie paradise.
Grand pique nique des Champs-Élysées - photos  -  A7C4796Grand pique nique des Champs-Élysées - photos  -  A7C4796Grand pique nique des Champs-Élysées - photos  -  A7C4796Grand pique nique des Champs-Élysées - photos  -  A7C4796

The big picnic on the Champs-Elysées in Paris, photos and video

A giant picnic on the Champs-Élysées - that's the unusual event that took place this Sunday, May 26, 2024. After the giant cinema and then the biggest dictation, nearly 4,000 people won the right to lunch on the gingham tablecloth set up on the world's most beautiful avenue.
Portes ouvertes sapeurs pompiersPortes ouvertes sapeurs pompiersPortes ouvertes sapeurs pompiersPortes ouvertes sapeurs pompiers

The Paris and Île-de-France fire departments at the 2024 Open House

The fire stations of Paris and the Île-de-France region open their doors to you free of charge on certain Saturdays and Sundays (depending on the station) throughout the year, giving you the chance to immerse yourself in the life of firefighters in and around the capital.
Ciné Tarmac : le cinéma en plein air du Musée de l'Air et de l'EspaceCiné Tarmac : le cinéma en plein air du Musée de l'Air et de l'EspaceCiné Tarmac : le cinéma en plein air du Musée de l'Air et de l'EspaceCiné Tarmac : le cinéma en plein air du Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace

Ciné Tarmac 2024: the summer open-air cinema at the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace

The Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace welcomes Ciné Tarmac: an open-air cinema that lets us see films projected onto an airplane! Discover the summer program and enjoy fantastic evenings at the Musée du Bourget, from July 5 to 7, 2024.
Montgolfière à Fontainebleau, vol au dessus de l'Ile-de-France -  A7C9005Montgolfière à Fontainebleau, vol au dessus de l'Ile-de-France -  A7C9005Montgolfière à Fontainebleau, vol au dessus de l'Ile-de-France -  A7C9005Montgolfière à Fontainebleau, vol au dessus de l'Ile-de-France -  A7C9005

Unusual: we tested a hot-air balloon flight in Fontainebleau over the Ile-de-France region - promo

How about a breathtaking view over Fontainebleau? We're off to try out hot-air ballooning over the Île-de-France region, a magical experience we'd like to share with you.
Roller Party ImaginariumRoller Party ImaginariumRoller Party ImaginariumRoller Party Imaginarium

A giant roller party in an unusual setting, at the Imaginarium in Lagny-sur-Marne (77)

Rumor has it that a giant roller party is being organized in the Seine-et-Marne town of Lagny-sur-Marne until spring, where you can express your creativity on wheels, with a disco atmosphere to match!
Wat Thammapatip Inrernational : la pagode bouddhiste et sa street food thaï, à Moissy-Cramayel - 799DFBFA ADED 4DAA B043 7C7B29F0B5A4Wat Thammapatip Inrernational : la pagode bouddhiste et sa street food thaï, à Moissy-Cramayel - 799DFBFA ADED 4DAA B043 7C7B29F0B5A4Wat Thammapatip Inrernational : la pagode bouddhiste et sa street food thaï, à Moissy-Cramayel - 799DFBFA ADED 4DAA B043 7C7B29F0B5A4Wat Thammapatip Inrernational : la pagode bouddhiste et sa street food thaï, à Moissy-Cramayel - 799DFBFA ADED 4DAA B043 7C7B29F0B5A4

The Songkran 2024 festival at Wat Thammapatip, the unusual pagoda in Moissy-Cramayel (77)

Before its transformation into a pagoda, the Château de Lugny in Moissy Cramayel was abandoned. Now it's home to an immense garden decorated with hundreds of gilded Buddha statues, a pagoda and a Buddhist temple: Wat Thammapatip, an unusual place where we'd love to spend every Sunday and Saturday. This Sunday, April 14, 2024, Songkran will be celebrated here: an opportunity to discover this extraordinary place, less than an hour from Paris!
La Coulée verte, la promenade insolite de la Bastille à VincennesLa Coulée verte, la promenade insolite de la Bastille à VincennesLa Coulée verte, la promenade insolite de la Bastille à VincennesLa Coulée verte, la promenade insolite de la Bastille à Vincennes

La Coulée Verte de Paris, the unusual and hidden walk from Bastille to Vincennes

Paris's Coulée Verte René-Dumont, formerly known as the Promenade Plantée, is a beautiful, little-known walk for Parisians, taking us on a verdant journey from the Bastille to the Bois de Vincennes over the Viaduc des Arts. It's an unusual and shady way to discover Paris, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.