Following the triumph of the Oscar-nominated Vaiana, The Legend of the End of the World, Walt Disney Animation Studios is set to enchant audiences once again with the release of Vaiana 2. Scheduled for the holiday season of 2024, this new feature film promises to be the cinematic event of the season. Bob Iger, Chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company, expressed his enthusiasm, underlining the immense popular success of the first opus and his eagerness to share this new adventure.
Dave Derrick Jr., known for his work on Encanto: The Fantastic Madrigal Family, is the director of this second installment. The music promises to be just as captivating, with the collaboration ofAbigail Barlow and Emily Bear(The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical),Opetaia Foa'i, founder of the band Te Vaka, and Mark Mancina, a composer renowned for his work on Speed and Tarzan.
Vaiana 2 takes viewers on a never-before-seen odyssey. Accompanied by Maui and a new crew of sailors, Vaiana answers the call of her ancestors for a perilous voyage to the farthest reaches of the Oceania seas. This quest, rich in discoveries and trials, promises to be an unprecedented adventure.
The first video glimpse and images unveiled recently only serve to increase the impatience of fans, eager to immerse themselves in this new epic. Vaiana 2 is already positioning itself as a must-see for Christmas 2024, promising magic, dreams and emotions in the purest tradition of Disney productions.
This sequel is not only an invitation to discover new horizons, but also an opportunity to reunite with now iconic characters. The combination of established talent and renowned musicians ensures a rich, immersive cinematic experience, marking the grand return of Vaiana to the big screen. Vaiana 2 is the promise of a grandiose adventure, to be experienced exclusively in theaters for the 2024 holiday season.
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