On August 29, 2024, Netflix unveils Terminator Zero, an animated series that plunges into the dystopian world of Terminator, revisited by screenwriter Mattson Tomlin(Project Power) and directed by Masashi Kudo(Bleach). This new series blends action, thriller and science fiction to offer a captivating new version of the desperate struggle between mankind and machines. Set both in 2022, in a future devastated by war, and in 1997, the year when everything turned upside down, Terminator Zero promises to reinvent the legendary saga with hard-hitting animation and a suspenseful story.
Terminator Zero transports us to the year 2022, to a world where humanity is on the brink of extinction, fighting relentlessly against an inexhaustible army of machines controlled by Skynet, an artificial intelligence that has become sentient and determined to wipe out the human race. The war has been raging for decades, but hopes of victory are fading by the day.
In a desperate attempt to change the course of history, a soldier from the future is sent to 1997, the year Skynet became aware of its existence and launched its attack on mankind. Her mission: to protect Malcolm Lee, a brilliant researcher working on a new artificial intelligence system capable of countering Skynet. Malcolm is faced with moral dilemmas concerning his creation, which may well be mankind's last chance of survival.
However, Malcolm and his three children are being hunted by a ruthless assassin from the future, whose mission is to eliminate any threat to Skynet before it can materialize. As the fate of the world rests in the hands of Malcolm and the soldier, they must navigate through time paradoxes, Skynet threats and the moral implications of their fight to try and change history before it's too late.
Terminator Zero is aimed at fans of science fiction andanime who appreciate tales where action blends with profound reflections on technology and humanity. Fans of the Terminator saga, as well as those who have enjoyed animated series such as Ghost in the Shell, will find a story both familiar and innovative. What sets Terminator Zero apart from other adaptations is its exploration of temporal paradoxes and moral dilemmas, offering a new dimension to the Terminator universe. The animation, directed by Masashi Kudo, promises visually spectacular scenes that capture the intensity of the battles and the darkness of the dystopian universe.
Terminator Zero, available on Netflix from August 29, 2024, reinvents the mythical Terminator saga with an animated series that promises to captivate sci-fi and anime fans alike. Under the direction of Masashi Kudo and with a script by Mattson Tomlin, this series explores new aspects of the struggle between mankind and machines, while paying homage to the franchise's roots. Get ready for an intense adventure where every decision can change the fate of the world, and where past and future intertwine in a battle for humanity's survival.
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