Culturecheznous - activities

Visuel Centre PompidouVisuel Centre PompidouVisuel Centre PompidouVisuel Centre Pompidou

Coronavirus: Centre Pompidou proposes digital classes and podcasts on modern and contemporary art

Even though it is out of sight, it remains close to our mind: Centre Pompidou accompanies all along the lockdown by providing podcasts, a web-series and even free classes about modern and contemporary art.
Le Défilé Dior printemps-été 2020 au Musée RodinLe Défilé Dior printemps-été 2020 au Musée RodinLe Défilé Dior printemps-été 2020 au Musée RodinLe Défilé Dior printemps-été 2020 au Musée Rodin

Coronavirus: discover Musée Rodin’s collections from your home

Amid the coronavirus crises, no visit allowed at the Musée Rodin, well physically speaking…. But you can be amazed by the different works exhibited at the museum since the cultural place offers you to discover its collection digitally, from your home. Collections are available as part of the #CultureChezNous action led by Minister of Culture.