Blues - activities

The BB King Blues Band en concert à la CigaleThe BB King Blues Band en concert à la CigaleThe BB King Blues Band en concert à la CigaleThe BB King Blues Band en concert à la Cigale

The BB King Blues Band live at Paris La Cigale

This spring, you don’t want to miss The BB King Blues Band live at La Cigale. Grab your tickets now for this tribute concert to BB King aka the blues legend. Meet on April 30, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. in Paris 18th arrondissement and we can tell you one thing: The thrill is not gone!
Sarah McCoy en concert gratuit au Mona Bismarck American CenterSarah McCoy en concert gratuit au Mona Bismarck American CenterSarah McCoy en concert gratuit au Mona Bismarck American CenterSarah McCoy en concert gratuit au Mona Bismarck American Center

Sarah McCoy live at Paris Mona Bismarck American Center for free

Come and discover artist Sarah McCoy’s enchanting music universe for a show scheduled on Saturday June 8, 2019 on the Live@ stage at the Mona Bismarck American Center.