Distanciation - activities

Visuel Paris Place VendômeVisuel Paris Place VendômeVisuel Paris Place VendômeVisuel Paris Place Vendôme

Containment exit phase 3: what to expect

French President Emmanuel Macron is said to address the country on Sunday June 14, 2020 to assess the managing of the health crisis in France. He is also expected to make some announcements as for measures made by the government to start phase 3 of containment exit said to start on June 22, 2020.
Coronavirus : des salariés de la RATP exercent leur droit de retraitCoronavirus : des salariés de la RATP exercent leur droit de retraitCoronavirus : des salariés de la RATP exercent leur droit de retraitCoronavirus : des salariés de la RATP exercent leur droit de retrait

Coronavirus: the RATP will resume 75% of its traffic from May 11th

While RATP has announced that 75% of the Ile-de-France trains will resume from May 11th, employees and travelers are worried about distancing on an already overcrowded network. This April 28, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced facemasks will be mandatory in public transit. He also gave a few measures to implement for phasing out.