Macron - activities

Paris Games Week 2023Paris Games Week 2023Paris Games Week 2023Paris Games Week 2023

Odyssée: the future world's largest video game museum to open in 2026 in Seine-et-Marne

Get ready to plunge into the world of video games like never before! "Odyssée, the world's largest museum dedicated to the history of video games, is scheduled to open in 2026 in Bussy-Saint-Georges, Seine-et-Marne. Backed by Emmanuel Macron and financed by a record-breaking participatory campaign, this unique project will feature the world's largest console collection and an authentic Japanese village for an unprecedented immersive experience!
Coronavirus : vers des contrôles de police et de gendarmerie beaucoup plus stricts Coronavirus : vers des contrôles de police et de gendarmerie beaucoup plus stricts Coronavirus : vers des contrôles de police et de gendarmerie beaucoup plus stricts Coronavirus : vers des contrôles de police et de gendarmerie beaucoup plus stricts

Emmanuel Macron announces there will be on body-worn cameras per squad by the summer, before generalization

As promised in July 2020, body-worn cameras will be generalized before the summer 2021, Emmanuel Macron claimed this Monday April 19, 2021. Each police squad will enjoy one body-worn camera first, before generalization to all police officers. The goal? “Restoring trust” with the French people with the "efficacy and exemplariness" tandem.
Visuel Paris terrasseVisuel Paris terrasseVisuel Paris terrasseVisuel Paris terrasse

Covid: Emmanuel Macron likely to present a reopening calendar before the end of April

According to BFMTV, Emmanuel Macron is likely to address the country before late April to present a detailed reopening calendar for bars, restaurants, cultural places, stores, and other places closed for weeks, and even several months.
Nouvelles restrictions : pas de "confinement" selon Macron, mais des simples "mesures de freinage"Nouvelles restrictions : pas de "confinement" selon Macron, mais des simples "mesures de freinage"Nouvelles restrictions : pas de "confinement" selon Macron, mais des simples "mesures de freinage"Nouvelles restrictions : pas de "confinement" selon Macron, mais des simples "mesures de freinage"

Covid: according to Emmanuel Macron “AstraZeneca vaccine is recommended and must be used”

“AstraZeneca vaccine is recommended and must be used in compliance with the age recommendations”, Emmanuel Macron stated this Friday April 9, 2021 when visiting Saint-Remy-sur-Avre.
Vaccination : "On a eu tort de manquer d'ambition, de folie" en Europe, estime MacronVaccination : "On a eu tort de manquer d'ambition, de folie" en Europe, estime MacronVaccination : "On a eu tort de manquer d'ambition, de folie" en Europe, estime MacronVaccination : "On a eu tort de manquer d'ambition, de folie" en Europe, estime Macron

Vaccination: "We were wrong to lack ambition and folly" in Europe, says Macron

In an interview with Greek television, President Sarkozy returned to the subject of Europe's vaccine strategy, lamenting for the first time that the EU had not gone "fast enough, strong enough" in ordering vaccine stocks.
Mutation Covid-19 : "On doit redoubler de vigilance" insiste Emmanuel MacronMutation Covid-19 : "On doit redoubler de vigilance" insiste Emmanuel MacronMutation Covid-19 : "On doit redoubler de vigilance" insiste Emmanuel MacronMutation Covid-19 : "On doit redoubler de vigilance" insiste Emmanuel Macron

Covid: lockdown, vaccine… Emmanuel Macron’s latest statements

This Tuesday February 2, 2021 French President Emmanuel Macron was invited on TF1 to address the ongoing Covid vaccine campaign. He also made several announcements. New lockdown, vaccine production centers opening, campaign timeliness… Here is more on the matter.
Covid : "Nous sommes en train de prendre les décisions requises pour protéger Noël" confirme MacronCovid : "Nous sommes en train de prendre les décisions requises pour protéger Noël" confirme MacronCovid : "Nous sommes en train de prendre les décisions requises pour protéger Noël" confirme MacronCovid : "Nous sommes en train de prendre les décisions requises pour protéger Noël" confirme Macron

Covid: President Emmanuel Macron has tested positive

This Thursday December 17, 2020, the French President has tested positive for Covid-19 after passing a RT-PCR test, the Elysée announced. Emmanuel Macron now has to self-isolate for seven days.
Coronavirus : ouvrir les fênetres, geste barrière oubliéCoronavirus : ouvrir les fênetres, geste barrière oubliéCoronavirus : ouvrir les fênetres, geste barrière oubliéCoronavirus : ouvrir les fênetres, geste barrière oublié

Coronavirus: Macron recommends to open your windows to fight against the virus

To fight against coronavirus, it is vital to air and open windows. After the call launched by doctors, Macron reminded this simple gesture. Ten minutes, three times a day are enough to cleanse the air and lower the risk of falling sick to coronavirus, even though temperatures are dropping.
Coronavirus : les frontières de l'espace Schengen pourraient rester fermées tout l'étéCoronavirus : les frontières de l'espace Schengen pourraient rester fermées tout l'étéCoronavirus : les frontières de l'espace Schengen pourraient rester fermées tout l'étéCoronavirus : les frontières de l'espace Schengen pourraient rester fermées tout l'été

Coronavirus: EU inner borders remain closed until June 15th

EU inner borders and French borders will remain shut until June 15th, 2020, Edouard Philippe announced as he was presenting phase 2 of the containment exit plan.