Marlène schiappa - activities

Visuel Paris drapeau Assemblée NationaleVisuel Paris drapeau Assemblée NationaleVisuel Paris drapeau Assemblée NationaleVisuel Paris drapeau Assemblée Nationale

Coronavirus: 700 foreign workers “on the front line” will be naturalized

“They proved their attachment to the nation”. This Tuesday December 22, France’s minister delegate to Citizenship Marlène Schiappa’s office has announced that about 700 foreign workers who have worked on the front line against the coronavirus epidemic will be naturalized.
Coronavirus : la marche des fiertés 2020 à Paris annuléeCoronavirus : la marche des fiertés 2020 à Paris annuléeCoronavirus : la marche des fiertés 2020 à Paris annuléeCoronavirus : la marche des fiertés 2020 à Paris annulée

Coronavirus: the 2020 Pride march in Paris cancelled

Due to the health crisis and following the ban on festivals and large public events, the Gay Pride, initially scheduled for June 27, 2020 in Paris, is officially cancelled. The organizers invite associations to multiply the events of visibility and pride in Paris and throughout the Ile-de-France from November 2 to 7, 2020.
Les protections hygiéniques bientôt gratuites pour les femmes en situation de précaritéLes protections hygiéniques bientôt gratuites pour les femmes en situation de précaritéLes protections hygiéniques bientôt gratuites pour les femmes en situation de précaritéLes protections hygiéniques bientôt gratuites pour les femmes en situation de précarité

Sanitary products soon to be free for women in need

Free sanitary products for all women in need? This is what several members of the government announced on May 28 in an opinion column for the Huff Post. This test distribution system will be implemented from September.