Performance artistique - activities


On the flip side, the fashion exhibition at the Galerie du 19m: live performance by Regina Demina and closing ceremony

To close the fashion exhibition "À revers" at the Galerie du 19m, head to the Maison Chanel's Métiers d'art landmark in the 19th arrondissement, on Thursday 9 and Saturday 11 February 2023! On the program, a live show and free artistic performances, within the embroidered works.
Canvas, le pop up store 100% gin Canvas, le pop up store 100% gin Canvas, le pop up store 100% gin Canvas, le pop up store 100% gin

Canvas Bar, the pop-up store dedicated to gin and art in Paris

Canvas Bar is the new pop-up store at the Grande Surface – Galerie Festive, that is half bar half art gallery and opening from May 23 to 25, 2019 providing art performances and original cocktails.