Variant delta contaminations

Covid: What if France could prevent the fifth wave?

Will France be hit by a fifth covid wave? As back in early September the Institut Pasteur explained in a study it would be “hard to prevent”, this early October 2021, epidemiologists sound more optimistic. Keep reading to find out more!
Covid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMSCovid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMSCovid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMSCovid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMS

Covid: why is the Delta variant more contagious?

Covid Delta variant spreads faster... Here is the conclusion made by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in a study issued as pre-print mid-July, saying the incubation time is quicker, moving from 6 to 4 days. A variant already known as being more contagious and more resitant to antibodies, WHO said this past May 8th.
Covid : le variant Delta identifié dans 85 pays à travers le monde, selon l'OMSCovid : le variant Delta identifié dans 85 pays à travers le monde, selon l'OMSCovid : le variant Delta identifié dans 85 pays à travers le monde, selon l'OMSCovid : le variant Delta identifié dans 85 pays à travers le monde, selon l'OMS

Covid: variant Delta reported in 85 countries across the world, WHO found

While lockdown is still being lifted in France and the Covid-19 epidemic is passing through the summer season, a new variant delta – found in April in India – is now found in 85 countries in the world, the World Health Organization found. The main danger being its super-quick contagiousness.