Variant delta france

Covid: What if France could prevent the fifth wave?

Will France be hit by a fifth covid wave? As back in early September the Institut Pasteur explained in a study it would be “hard to prevent”, this early October 2021, epidemiologists sound more optimistic. Keep reading to find out more!
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Covid: facemask-wearing compulsory outside in these 38 departments

Faced with the spread of the Delta variant and the fourth wave, several French cities and departments have decided to instate compulsory outdoor facemask-wearing again to curb the coronavirus epidemic.
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Covid: with Delta, “whether one will be vaccinated, or one will have been sick”, Karine Lacombe predicts

This morning on France Inter, infectious disease specialist Karine Lacombe claims that because of the high contagiousness of the Delta variant, “in France, whether one will be vaccinated, or one will have been sick”.
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Coronavirus - Delta variant: what are the measures considered against the fourth wave?

The coronavirus epidemic is resurging in France. And for good reason, the spread of the Delta variant – more contagious – could originate a fourth wave. So, what are the leads considered by the French government to curb this strain? Extending the health pass, compulsory vaccination, end of free tests, here is more on the matter.
Covid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMSCovid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMSCovid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMSCovid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMS

Covid: why is the Delta variant more contagious?

Covid Delta variant spreads faster... Here is the conclusion made by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in a study issued as pre-print mid-July, saying the incubation time is quicker, moving from 6 to 4 days. A variant already known as being more contagious and more resitant to antibodies, WHO said this past May 8th.
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Covid: Can the Delta variant jeopardize the global economic recovery?

This Saturday July 10, the G20 warned against the threat from the Covid Delta variant on the global economic recovery, as well as the “different vaccination rhythms”.
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Coronavirus – Delta variant: a fourth wave as big as the previous ones?

As the Delta variant is spreading swiftly in France, a fourth coronavirus epidemic wave grows likelier. According to Arnaud Fontanet, it can be as big as the previous ones.
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Coronavirus – Delta variant: a 90% to 95% immunity required to control the epidemic

Because of the Delta variant, the threshold to reach herd immunity has been reviewed upwards. According to the Scientific Committee, reaching 90% to 95% of vaccinees or contaminated people is necessary to hope and control the epidemic.
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Coronavirus: in France, the Delta variant is about to take over all the other strains

The coronavirus epidemic comes with a new challenge caused by the Delta variant. The latter – even more contagious than the Alpha variant – is about to dominate in France. An evolution so swift the mutant can even take over all the other Covid-19 strains.
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Coronavirus: Delta variant now dominating in France

The fourth wave might hit France this summer. The coronavirus epidemic is experiencing a resurgence caused by the spread of an even more contagious Covid-19 strain: the Delta variant. This Friday July 9, 2021, Santé Publique France announced the Delta variant is officially dominating in France.
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Coronavirus: here are the 3 regions the Delta variant is now dominating in

As the French are enjoying their new almost normal life, the spread of the Delta variant in France casts the shadow of a likely fourth wave. This more contagious coronavirus strain is now dominating in three regions in France.
Variant Delta : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette forme du Covid qui menace la FranceVariant Delta : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette forme du Covid qui menace la FranceVariant Delta : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette forme du Covid qui menace la FranceVariant Delta : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette forme du Covid qui menace la France

Variant Delta: everything you need to know about this covid strain threatening France

Its quick spread in France worries everyone: variant Delta might cause a fourth epidemic wave in France. In Gers, two people died of Covid-19 and variant Delta. Keep reading to find out more about this threat.
Visuel Paris Hotel de VilleVisuel Paris Hotel de VilleVisuel Paris Hotel de VilleVisuel Paris Hotel de Ville

Coronavirus: development of the (Indian) Delta variant in France, Olivier Véran urges caution

As the coronavirus epidemic is declining in France, the India variant keeps on developing. Renamed Delta variant, it remains in minority although its spread is worrying specifically because of the situation in the United Kingdom. French Health Minister Olivier Véran urges caution.