Sakamoto Days, is an action-comedy series based on the popular manga by Yuto Suzuki. Published in the acclaimed Weekly Shōnen Jump, the manga has won over millions of fans with its mix of wacky humor and spectacular combat. The story follows Taro Sakamoto, once a legendary killer feared in the underworld, who decided to leave everything behind to live a quiet life with his family. But his past catches up with him, and Sakamoto must use his deadly skills to protect his loved ones from lurking dangers. With his companions, he battles assassins and mercenaries, in a series of confrontations as explosive as they are comical.
The Sakamoto Days series will be released on Netflix in January 2025.
Synopsis: Sakamoto Days, written and illustrated by Yuto Suzuki, is a best-selling manga serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump by Shūeisha since 2020.
Follow the action-packed story of legendary ex-killer Taro Sakamoto, who teams up with his companions against the growing threat of assassins to ensure a quiet life for his beloved family. Sakamoto and his gang unleash the wild, spectacular battles that have captivated audiences around the globe.
In a world overrun by mercenaries from the special forces of the Order of the Japanese Assassin's Association, as well as a mysterious individual called X (aka Slur) who preys on contract killers, what does it really mean to be strong for Sakamoto?
Get ready for a series packed with assassin clashes, where chaos creeps into the ordinary (and not so ordinary) lives of Sakamoto and his companions!
The story follows Taro Sakamoto, a legendary ex-killer turned family man, who tries to live a peaceful life running a grocery store. However, the threat of assassins and mercenaries stalking him constantly threatens this tranquility. Sakamoto teams up with his companions to fight these killers while trying to preserve his family. With wacky battles and formidable enemies like X (aka Slur), a mysterious individual who preys on hitmen, Sakamoto must relearn what it truly means to be strong.
Sakamoto Days is aimed at fans of shōnen and action comedies. Fans ofanime such as One Punch Man or Mob Psycho 100 will appreciate this mix of humor and frenetic action. The series promises to combine spectacular fights with light-hearted moments, thanks in particular to the balance between the peaceful life Sakamoto seeks to lead and the chaos that surrounds him. This contrast between a fearsome ex-assassin and his attempts to remain an ordinary citizen is what should make the story unique and entertaining. Sakamoto's calm, imposing character promises to offer a refreshing approach to action heroes.
With Sakamoto Days, Netflix offers an animated series full of humor and memorable fights. The adventures of Taro Sakamoto, a converted killer, should appeal to fans of manga and anime, while offering a dose of comedy that makes this series as entertaining as it is electrifying. See you in January 2025 to discover this new anime that promises to energize your screens.
This article is based on information available online; we have not yet viewed the film or series mentioned.
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