Covid: “The war has changed”, the CDC warns against the Delta variant

Published by Graziella de Sortiraparis · Published on August 2nd, 2021 at 02:35 p.m.
Covid-19 Delta variant is said to be as contagious as chickenpox and likely to be transmitted by vaccinees and non-vaccinees – according to the latest official documents issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, updated by the Washington Post.

Bad news, Covid-19 Delta variant is said to be more contagious and more likely to cause severe disease than the previous strains. This is what the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announces in an intern-presentation the Washington Post has revealed. The health agency relies on scientific studies and warns authorities: “The war has changed”.

Director Rochelle Walenksy recommends indoor facemask-wearing for vaccinees in high-risk places. The CDC noticed after a major event during Independence Day there were no differences in contaminated people’s viral load whether they are vaccinated or not. The vaccinal status does not seem to have an impact on the level of contagiousness.

The CDC documents read: “there are 35,000 symptomatic infections per week among 162 million vaccinated Americans”, but not many hospitalizations. The initial coronavirus strain was as contagious as flu, but variants have shown increased contagiousness, reaching the same contagiousness as chickenpox. As a matter of fact, one person contaminated by the Delta variant gives it on an average to eight people.

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The CDC’s alert aims at “[improving] communications around individual risk among [the] vaccinated”. A useful warning as vaccinees are less likely to comply with health guidelines over the summer.

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