France internationals

Roland Garros 2020 : pas plus de 5000 spectateurs par jour Roland Garros 2020 : pas plus de 5000 spectateurs par jour Roland Garros 2020 : pas plus de 5000 spectateurs par jour Roland Garros 2020 : pas plus de 5000 spectateurs par jour

Roland Garros 2021: up to 5,000 spectators allowed during the second week of the tournament?

Following President Macron’s announcements as for the lockdown exit calendar, the sports world is preparing to receive the public from May 19 again. As for Roland Garros – or French Open – postponed for one week, from May 30 to June 13, this is excellent news: the Porte d’Auteuil sports facility will open to less than 1,000 spectators before June 9, and then, up to 5,000 people during the second week of the tournament. According to information revealed by L’Equipe, tests are to be performed to increase the gauge.
Coronavirus : Roland Garros 2020 potentiellement à huis clos ? Coronavirus : Roland Garros 2020 potentiellement à huis clos ? Coronavirus : Roland Garros 2020 potentiellement à huis clos ? Coronavirus : Roland Garros 2020 potentiellement à huis clos ?

Covid: French Open 2021 postponed by one week to enable to receive the public

The French Open 2021 organizers have decided to postpone the tennis tournament by one week to get more chance to receive the public and see if the health restrictions instated because of the Covid-19 epidemic will be eased off. The French Internationals 2021 are planned from May 30 to June 13, 2021, then.
©Eric Della Torre/FFT©Eric Della Torre/FFT©Eric Della Torre/FFT©Eric Della Torre/FFT

Roland-Garros, French Open, 2019 goes green!

The French Open 2019 gives pride of place to biodiversity and plant to go green and this move is very welcomed!
Le Tournoi des Légendes Perrier à Roland Garros 2016 : Gagnez vos places !Le Tournoi des Légendes Perrier à Roland Garros 2016 : Gagnez vos places !Le Tournoi des Légendes Perrier à Roland Garros 2016 : Gagnez vos places !Le Tournoi des Légendes Perrier à Roland Garros 2016 : Gagnez vos places !

The Perrier Legends' Trophy, French Open 2019

In Roland-Garros, the Perrier Legends' Trophy is back for this new edition from May 26 to June 9, 2019. As an unmissable event during the two weeks of the French Open, it once again involves some of the greatest players of the history of the yellow ball and makes sure to provide a quality show in a relaxed atmosphere.