Les Darons Osent Tout! comedy show arrives in Paris on December 17, 2024 at the magnificent Folies Bergère. After a tour of France in 2023, Frédéric Bouraly, Fred Bianconi, Olivier Mag, Emmanuel Donzella and Luc Sonzogni take over the capital.
Wine Woman Show will take place on June 7 from 7pm at the Musée du Vin. The evening will be divided into two parts: first, a stand-up performance by Bérénice B., followed by a "theatrical" talk on wine and grape varieties.
The FUP, Festival de l'Humour de Paris, takes place from May 13 to May 25 at the Théâtre Bobino in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. We attended the first evening of the festival, and it was hilarious!
Tom Baldetti plays his first show at the Petit Palais des Glaces, every Tuesday at 9pm, until June 18, 2024. A rising star in the world of comedy, you can also catch him on stage at Parisian comedy clubs.
Le Point Virgule specializes in comedy and one-man shows. Located at 7 rue Sainte-Croix-de-la-Bretonnerie in the 4th arrondissement of Paris, the theater has been in existence for almost 50 years.
From January 19 to March 31, Paname Art Café offers its Dîner Comedy, a dinner show that gives you access to its Paname Comedy Club: different service times to plan an evening full of laughter
Mélodie Fontaine takes to the stage in Paris from September 19 to December 27, 2023. Her show, "Nickel", promises to be a funny and touching experience at the Comédie de Paris.