Sebastien gaudard - activities

Bûches de Noël 2021 by Sébastien Gaudard, nos photosBûches de Noël 2021 by Sébastien Gaudard, nos photosBûches de Noël 2021 by Sébastien Gaudard, nos photosBûches de Noël 2021 by Sébastien Gaudard, nos photos

Advent calendar 2021 by Sébastien Gaudard

Pastry chef Sébastien Gaudard unveils for December, an Advent Calendar 2021 hiding many sweet treats.
Bûches de Noël 2021 by Sébastien Gaudard, nos photosBûches de Noël 2021 by Sébastien Gaudard, nos photosBûches de Noël 2021 by Sébastien Gaudard, nos photosBûches de Noël 2021 by Sébastien Gaudard, nos photos

Christmas logs and treats for 2021 by Sébastien Gaudard

Sébastien Gaudard offers a whole range of logs, as well as a DIY gingerbread house, to liven up your meals for the festive season of 2021.
Sébastien Gaudard célèbre la Saint-Nicolas 2019Sébastien Gaudard célèbre la Saint-Nicolas 2019Sébastien Gaudard célèbre la Saint-Nicolas 2019Sébastien Gaudard célèbre la Saint-Nicolas 2019

Sébastien Gaudard celebrates Saint Nicholas Day 2019

Every year the Saint Nicholas is celebrated on December 6th. For the third year in a row, this traditional celebration comes to Paris. On the occasion, pâtissier Sébastien Gaudard unveils several treats and a celebration is held rue des Martyrs, in early December including candies for children and a marching band.