Variant delta in france

Covid: What if France could prevent the fifth wave?

Will France be hit by a fifth covid wave? As back in early September the Institut Pasteur explained in a study it would be “hard to prevent”, this early October 2021, epidemiologists sound more optimistic. Keep reading to find out more!
Covid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMSCovid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMSCovid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMSCovid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMS

Covid: why is the Delta variant more contagious?

Covid Delta variant spreads faster... Here is the conclusion made by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in a study issued as pre-print mid-July, saying the incubation time is quicker, moving from 6 to 4 days. A variant already known as being more contagious and more resitant to antibodies, WHO said this past May 8th.
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Covid: Can the Delta variant jeopardize the global economic recovery?

This Saturday July 10, the G20 warned against the threat from the Covid Delta variant on the global economic recovery, as well as the “different vaccination rhythms”.
Visuel Paris Montmartre grisVisuel Paris Montmartre grisVisuel Paris Montmartre grisVisuel Paris Montmartre gris

Covid: “The variant Delta will take over” in France, Alain Fischer thinks

There are more and more concerns as for the spread of the variant Delta in the country. According to professor Alain Fischer, the “Indian variant will take over, it is clear, as it has in Great Britain”. This is what stated the Head of the Vaccinal Strategy Orientation Board this Friday morning on LCI.
Visuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel Paris

Covid: “There is a variant Delta-related threat” in France, Gabriel Attal thinks

Faced with the spread of the variant Delta, called “Indian”, in France, “we must be very cautious”, Gabriel Attal thinks. This Wednesday June 23, 2021, invited on BFMTV, the government spokesman admitted there “is a variant Delta-related threat” in the country.