Variant delta - activities

Visuel Paris, vue du Meurice suite Etoile - LouvreVisuel Paris, vue du Meurice suite Etoile - LouvreVisuel Paris, vue du Meurice suite Etoile - LouvreVisuel Paris, vue du Meurice suite Etoile - Louvre

Coronavirus: health pass extended, what has changed since July 21, 2021?

As the coronavirus epidemic is surging again in France, the government has decided to extend the health pass to other places open to the public. This extension is to process progressively in three steps. Here is what has changed since July 21, 2021.
Covid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMSCovid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMSCovid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMSCovid : le variant indien, plus contagieux, résisterait aux vaccins selon l'OMS

Covid: why is the Delta variant more contagious?

Covid Delta variant spreads faster... Here is the conclusion made by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in a study issued as pre-print mid-July, saying the incubation time is quicker, moving from 6 to 4 days. A variant already known as being more contagious and more resitant to antibodies, WHO said this past May 8th.
Pass sanitaire : les dépistages et la vaccination bientôt recensés sur l'application TousAntiCovid Pass sanitaire : les dépistages et la vaccination bientôt recensés sur l'application TousAntiCovid Pass sanitaire : les dépistages et la vaccination bientôt recensés sur l'application TousAntiCovid Pass sanitaire : les dépistages et la vaccination bientôt recensés sur l'application TousAntiCovid

Coronavirus: most of the French are for the extended health pass, this survey shows

As the polemic grows about the extension of the health pass and compulsory vaccination for some professions, a recent survey yet shows most of the French are for the measures announced by Emmanuel Macron two days before Bastille Day.
Coronavirus : Chronodose, un outil pour trouver son vaccin dans les 24hCoronavirus : Chronodose, un outil pour trouver son vaccin dans les 24hCoronavirus : Chronodose, un outil pour trouver son vaccin dans les 24hCoronavirus : Chronodose, un outil pour trouver son vaccin dans les 24h

Fake health pass or vaccine certificate: what are the risks and penalties in case of a fraud?

As the health pass is extended to many public places and Covid screen tests are to be charged soon, some are going on a quest for fake vaccine certificates or negative PCR tests to get a fraudulent health pass. What are the risks and penalties fraudsters are exposing themselves to?
Aides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel AttalAides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel AttalAides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel AttalAides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel Attal

The 4th wave “might have started”, Gabriel Attal claims

The 4th wave “is no longer a risk but a reality”, according to Gabriel Attal. The government spokesman spoke this July 13, 2021, following the ministerial council to address the French President’s address. And when it comes to the vaccine strategy instated, the spokesman clearly stated it was the very key for the economic recovery, adding “tests cannot be alternative vaccines”.
Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021

Covid – Delta variant: a “new vaccine within 100 days”, BioNTech claims

Both German laboratory BioNTech founders stated in an interview with our peers from Les Echos they are able to supply a new Covid vaccine, adapted to the Delta variant, within 100 days. An achievment reached thanks to the mRNA technology.
Coronavirus : les anticorps présents jusqu'à trois mois après contamination selon deux étudesCoronavirus : les anticorps présents jusqu'à trois mois après contamination selon deux étudesCoronavirus : les anticorps présents jusqu'à trois mois après contamination selon deux étudesCoronavirus : les anticorps présents jusqu'à trois mois après contamination selon deux études

Covid: Can the Delta variant jeopardize the global economic recovery?

This Saturday July 10, the G20 warned against the threat from the Covid Delta variant on the global economic recovery, as well as the “different vaccination rhythms”.
Coronavirus : le vaccin d'Ose Immunotherapeutics donnent des résultats encourageantsCoronavirus : le vaccin d'Ose Immunotherapeutics donnent des résultats encourageantsCoronavirus : le vaccin d'Ose Immunotherapeutics donnent des résultats encourageantsCoronavirus : le vaccin d'Ose Immunotherapeutics donnent des résultats encourageants

Covid: likely "over 20,000 cases per day in early August", Olivier Véran thinks

While the French are preparing the summer vacations, unless they already are enjoying it, French Health Minister Olivier Véran warned against the risk of the spread of the Delta variant, speaking of likely "over 20,000 cases per day in early August". A warning he already sent his past July 2, addressing the vaccination campaign saying the risk of a fourth wave of contaminations is likely to break out this summer because of the Delta variant.
Visuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinement

Coronavirus – Delta variant: a fourth wave as big as the previous ones?

As the Delta variant is spreading swiftly in France, a fourth coronavirus epidemic wave grows likelier. According to Arnaud Fontanet, it can be as big as the previous ones.
Visuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de Seine

Coronavirus – Delta variant: a 90% to 95% immunity required to control the epidemic

Because of the Delta variant, the threshold to reach herd immunity has been reviewed upwards. According to the Scientific Committee, reaching 90% to 95% of vaccinees or contaminated people is necessary to hope and control the epidemic.
Visuels Paris Seine Visuels Paris Seine Visuels Paris Seine Visuels Paris Seine

Coronavirus: in France, the Delta variant is about to take over all the other strains

The coronavirus epidemic comes with a new challenge caused by the Delta variant. The latter – even more contagious than the Alpha variant – is about to dominate in France. An evolution so swift the mutant can even take over all the other Covid-19 strains.
Visuel Paris Hotel de VilleVisuel Paris Hotel de VilleVisuel Paris Hotel de VilleVisuel Paris Hotel de Ville

Coronavirus: Delta variant now dominating in France

The fourth wave might hit France this summer. The coronavirus epidemic is experiencing a resurgence caused by the spread of an even more contagious Covid-19 strain: the Delta variant. This Friday July 9, 2021, Santé Publique France announced the Delta variant is officially dominating in France.
Coronavirus : Selon BioNTech le vaccin Pfizer serait efficace contre le variant indienCoronavirus : Selon BioNTech le vaccin Pfizer serait efficace contre le variant indienCoronavirus : Selon BioNTech le vaccin Pfizer serait efficace contre le variant indienCoronavirus : Selon BioNTech le vaccin Pfizer serait efficace contre le variant indien

Coronavirus variants: Pfizer-BioNTech to seek approval for a third dose of vaccine

In order to fight against the coronavirus variants’ threat, Pfizer-BioNTech is about to seek approval for a third dose of vaccine in the 6 months following the second shot to the European Medicines Agency.
Visuel Paris grisVisuel Paris grisVisuel Paris grisVisuel Paris gris

Coronavirus: here are the 3 regions the Delta variant is now dominating in

As the French are enjoying their new almost normal life, the spread of the Delta variant in France casts the shadow of a likely fourth wave. This more contagious coronavirus strain is now dominating in three regions in France.
Visuel Paris, vue du Meurice suite Etoile - MontmartreVisuel Paris, vue du Meurice suite Etoile - MontmartreVisuel Paris, vue du Meurice suite Etoile - MontmartreVisuel Paris, vue du Meurice suite Etoile - Montmartre

Covid: the Delta variant now dominating in Paris

After Landes, it is now Paris to be concerning health authorities. Now, the Delta variant is highly active. This Wednesday July 7, 2021, Île-de-France Regional Health Agency General Director Aurélien Rousseau says the Indian variant “is found in more than half of the cases in Paris”.
Visuels Paris Seine Visuels Paris Seine Visuels Paris Seine Visuels Paris Seine

Covid: government and scientists worried about a new wave in the coming weeks

Faced with the spread of the Delta variant in the country, more and more people fear a new epidemic surge in the coming weeks. This July 4, 2021, French Health Minister Olivier Véran even warned and said a “wave is likely from late July”.
Réouverture des restaurants en avril : des "rumeurs" infondées selon Bruno Le MaireRéouverture des restaurants en avril : des "rumeurs" infondées selon Bruno Le MaireRéouverture des restaurants en avril : des "rumeurs" infondées selon Bruno Le MaireRéouverture des restaurants en avril : des "rumeurs" infondées selon Bruno Le Maire

According to Bruno Le Maire, the economic situation will depend on vaccination

“Economic indicators are green”. This Friday evening, Bruno Le Mair gave an interview to Le Parisien. According to the Minister of the Economy, the situation in France does not require a second recovery scheme but vaccination remains vital to find new “growth, jobs, and activity” in the long run. He considers PCR and antigenic tests cost too much to the community.
Vaccination coronavirus : près de la moitié des français a déjà reçu au moins une dose de vaccinVaccination coronavirus : près de la moitié des français a déjà reçu au moins une dose de vaccinVaccination coronavirus : près de la moitié des français a déjà reçu au moins une dose de vaccinVaccination coronavirus : près de la moitié des français a déjà reçu au moins une dose de vaccin

Covid: two doses of vaccine seem to protect against the Delta variant, the EMA claims

As the Indian variant is spreading more every day, this Thursday July 1, 2021, the European Medicines Agency claims two doses of vaccine seem to protect against the Delta variant.
Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?

Covid: Pr. Delfraissy thinks the "4th wave will be much more moderate than the first three"

As France starts the last step of the lockdown exit process on June 30, Pr. Jean-François Delfraissy thinks "there will be a 4th wave" this fall "but more more moderate than the first 3". "Vaccines are working against the delta variant, if two injections have been given. Hence the message: you need to get vaccinated, and get both injections by Fall", the Head of the Scientific Committee insisted on this Wednesday morning on France Inter.
Covid : le variant Delta identifié dans 85 pays à travers le monde, selon l'OMSCovid : le variant Delta identifié dans 85 pays à travers le monde, selon l'OMSCovid : le variant Delta identifié dans 85 pays à travers le monde, selon l'OMSCovid : le variant Delta identifié dans 85 pays à travers le monde, selon l'OMS

Covid: variant Delta reported in 85 countries across the world, WHO found

While lockdown is still being lifted in France and the Covid-19 epidemic is passing through the summer season, a new variant delta – found in April in India – is now found in 85 countries in the world, the World Health Organization found. The main danger being its super-quick contagiousness.