Institut Curie

Category: Lieu Culturel > Institut de recherche

Practical information

26 Rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris 5


Past events

Balade découverte à Paris sur les traces des femmes qui ont marqué l'HistoireBalade découverte à Paris sur les traces des femmes qui ont marqué l'HistoireBalade découverte à Paris sur les traces des femmes qui ont marqué l'HistoireBalade découverte à Paris sur les traces des femmes qui ont marqué l'Histoire

Paris: a historic Institut Curie building soon to be demolished in the 5th arrondissement?

In order to expand the Institut Curie cancer center, a number of historic buildings are to be demolished where Marie Curie herself once worked. A decision that has raised concerns among heritage conservationists, notably the Commission du Vieux Paris.

Pink October 2023 at the Institut Curie: take part in the 10,000 pouches for Curie challenge

Once again this year, the Institut Curie is calling on our solidarity and creativity. For this year's edition of Pink October, the month of breast cancer awareness and screening, the Institut Curie is issuing a solidarity challenge: together, let's create 10,000 pink bags for Curie!