Covid-19 and pregnancy: is it riskier to get coronavirus or vaccinated?

Published by · Published on March 23th, 2021 at 03:29 p.m.
According their latest recommendations, HAS says that vaccinating pregnant women against Covid-19 is not contraindicated and shall be considered for pregnant women over 35 years of age or those showing comorbidities such as obesity or diabetes. As a matter of fact, the latest American studies show pregnancy significantly increase risks of developing severe coronavirus.

The case of pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers raises lots of concerns. Very few studies are conducted about them, so much that the health authorities do not want to decide. Even though WHO entered the fray to remind the benefits of mother-baby contact despite Covid-19, arguing not separating newborn from their mothers could save 125,000 babies worldwide thanks to breastfeeding, the question about vaccinating breastfeeding or pregnant women raises concerns.

France has recommended a lot not to vaccinate pregnant women because of the lack of data, but things have changed since the assessment of American metadata collected by the CDC. Searchers proved pregnancy is “an increased risk for severe disease whether it leads to hospitalizations or even Covid-19-related deaths”, yet, less than for elderly patients or patients showing comorbidities. Covid-19 is also said to increase risk of premature births by three, as much as risks of pre-eclampsia.

The latest data tipped the scale in favor of vaccinating pregnant women, at least “pregnant women over 35 years old or those showing comorbidities such as obesity and diabetes, or pregnant women likely to be exposed to people infected because of their professional activities, may be offered to take the vaccine”. Those for whom “potential benefits overcome risks for the mother and fetus”, and with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, the Haute Autorité de Santé states in their latest guidelines. Especially as antibodies produced by the mother can be found in newborns’ immune systems, according to the first studies on the matter.

As for lactating mothers, the HAS says it is possible to vaccinate breastfeeding women.

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