The Blue Angels, a documentary directed by Paul Crowder , arrives on Prime Video on May 23, 2024. This film invites you to take to the skies alongside the Navy's aerial demonstration squadron, the Blue Angels, who have been captivating audiences around the world for over 75 years. With footage shot especially for IMAX screens, viewers will enjoy the unique experience of being in the cockpit, sharing the precise vision and breathtaking maneuvers that have established the Blue Angels as the world's most prestigious jet team.
The documentary also offers a rare behind-the-scenes look at the daily lives of these exceptional aviators. From their meticulous selection and rigorous training, to the demanding eight-month show season, The Blue Angels highlights the extraordinary team spirit, passion and pride of the hundreds of exceptional Navy and Marine Corps men and women who have had the honor of serving with this squadron... past, present and future.
The Blue Angels is a tribute to these men and women who, through their commitment and excellence, continue to push the boundaries of what is possible. This film promises not only to amaze you with spectacular images, but also to inspire you with a behind-the-scenes look at one ofaviation's most iconic groups.
The Blue Angels promises a breathtaking journey through the skies.
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