Brigands: The Quest for Gold, or Briganti in Italian, is a drama series that transports viewers to the tumultuous south of 19th-centuryItaly, shortly after the country's unification. Created by Antonio Le Fosse, Marco Raspanti, and Eleonora Trucchi, the six-episode series features Matilda Lutz, Michela De Rossi and Federico Ielapi in a tale of rebellion and ambition. The series will be available on Netflix from April 23, 2024, offering immersion in a little-explored period ofItalian history.
Filomena, played by Matilda Lutz, abandons a life of comfort to join a band of brigands on a desperate quest for gold in southern Italy. Transformed by circumstances, she becomes one of the most feared leaders and strategists among the bandits. The latter, forced to live on the margins of society, fight not only against theoppressive state to recover the gold and restore hope to the peasants, but also against other criminals.
The brigands, operating in dense forests and desolate landscapes, are pushed to extremes that reveal their darkest, most primitive nature. In this merciless struggle, Filomena and her companions must decide how far they are willing to go to survive and accomplish their mission. Half-RobinHood, half-pirates, they will stop at nothing to replace corrupt authority and establish their own order.
Brigands: The Quest for Gold isaimed at fans ofaction,adventure and historical drama series. It offers a unique perspective on resistance againstsocial injustice and corruption, universal themes that are still relevant today. The series' originality lies in its specific historical setting, combined with an intense narrative and complex characters, including powerful women at the forefront of the rebellion, who challenge gender stereotypes.
Brigands: The Quest for Gold is an ambitious series in a spectacularly raw setting. It promises to captivate viewers with its profound exploration of the struggle for justice and survival in a wild, rural, post-unification Italy. See you on April 23, 2024 on Netflix to discover this saga of brigands like no other.
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