Cassino in Ischia: Dominic Purcell in a unique drama on Paramount+.

Published by Julie de Sortiraparis · Published on January 13, 2025 at 08:40 p.m.
In Cassino à Ischia, Frank Ciota blends drama and reflection on cinema. Dominic Purcell plays a declining actor looking to revive his career in Italy with a daring project. Available on Paramount+ from January 10, 2025.

Fame can be fleeting, especially in Hollywood. Cassino in Ischia, directed by Frank Ciota, explores this reality through the journey of Nic Cassino (Dominic Purcell), a once-adored action actor now relegated to the background by a new generation of stars.

Hoping to revitalize his career, Cassino goes into exile in Italy, where he collaborates with struggling local filmmakers to create a unique action film: a project combining the codes of action cinema with those of Italian neo-realism. Between introspection, professional challenges and the picturesque landscapes of Ischia, this poignant drama questions notions of success, artistic creation and personal reinvention.

Where and when can I see Cassino in Ischia in France?

Cassino à Ischia will be available on Paramount+ from January 10, 2025.

Synopsis: The new generation of action heroes is knocking Nic Cassino off his pedestal. He travels to Italy to work with struggling Italian directors on the first-ever "neo-realist" action film, in a bid to revitalize his career.

Cassino à Ischia will appeal to fans of introspective dramas, Italian cinema enthusiasts and those who appreciate tales of reinvention and the quest for identity. It could also appeal to viewers fascinated by works such as The Artist or Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, which explore the challenges and transformations of the world of cinema.

What sets Cassino in Ischia apart is its bold blend of action cinema and neo-realism, a tribute to an Italian artistic movement that marked the history of the 7ᵉ art. Dominic Purcell plays with intensity a character torn between his glorious past and his desire to reinvent himself, while actresses Miriam Candurro and Carlotta Natoli enrich the narrative with local characters rooted in Ischia's cultural realities.

With Cassino à Ischia, Frank Ciota offers a heartfelt and audacious drama about resilience and redefining oneself. Between reflections on cinema and personal stories, this film promises to be a vibrant tribute to the power of artistic creation.

This article is based on information available online; we have not yet viewed the film or series mentioned.

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Starts January 10, 2025

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