In service since July 13, 1913, the station was initially served by line 8, until 1937, when line 10 finally passed through, following the reorganization of lines 8, 10 and the former line 14 (according to Wikipedia). Originally, the station was named Beaugrenelle, due to its location beneath theformer Place Beaugrenelle (which later gave its name to the present-day shopping mall on the same site). In 1945, the station was renamed Charles Michels, along with Place Beaugrenelle, which was also renamed on July 14, 1945.
Many of us know his name, but few know who Charles Michels (1903-1941) really was. Born in Paris on March 6, 1903, Charles Michels was a trade unionist and Communist activist, who was elected deputy for the 15th arrondissement of Paris from May 1936 to June 1940. Although the French Communist Party (PCF) was dissolved in September 1939, Charles Michels continued his involvement with the Confédération générale du travail unitaire (CGTU).
In October 1940, he was arrested and interned at Aincourt (95), Fontevrault and Clairvaux. Finally, in May 1941, he arrived at the Choisel camp in Châteaubriant: it was here that on October 22, 1941, he was shot, one of the 48 executed at Châteaubriant in reprisal for the attempt on the life of Karl Hotz, head of the Nantes Kommandantur. Guy Môquet, the youngest victim of this shooting, was also among those shot, and a metro station on line 13 was named posthumously in his honor.
Dates and Opening Time
From December 31, 2023 to December 31, 2028
Place Charles-Michels
Place Charles Michels
75015 Paris 15