Family Move is the family gym for kids, teens, adults and the whole family. So, from 0 to 17 years old, it's the perfect place to work out at the same time as your child and, above all, in the same place.
When you're a parent, exercising can be a bit of an obstacle course, and with good reason: no gym is suitable for children, who have nothing to do when their parents are doing cardio, renfo and other exercises. With this in mind, the founders of Family Move, the family gym in Nogent-sur-Marne, came up with the idea of a gym that would be different from those we're used to, one where, this time, it would be possible to exercise at the same time as your children, with classes accessible to all levels and, above all, all ages. For children aged 0 to 17, you'll be spoilt for choice with motor skills, multisports,dance initiation and more.
For teens and pre-teens, there are contemporary and modern jazz classes, as well as multisports. For each session of children's classes, a session of adult classes is offered, to kill two birds with one stone: parents can stay in shape with sessions of circuit training, muscle strengthening, zumba... Family sessions are also on the program, with Yoga Kiddy, Zumba Family and Baby Fitness for sharing a class with your little ones. A trial class in each discipline is free, and you can sign up throughout the year. Prices start at €20 per session for children, €16 for adults, or opt for a monthly subscription (from €32 to €40 per month, depending on the discipline). During the school vacations, Family Move organizes sports camps for children and teenagers. Come to Nogent-sur-Marne and discover a gym like no other!
Dates and Opening Time
From January 8, 2024 to December 31, 2028
Family Move
2 Rue Marceau
94130 Nogent sur Marne
Séance seule: €16 - €20
Abonnement mensuel: €32 - €40
Recommended age
For all
Official website