The saga of Dune, Frank Herbert's cult science-fiction epic, continues to expand with the imminent arrival of Dune: Prophecy, a dramatic series that promises to plunge viewers into the historical depths of the Dune universe. Leading the cast are Emily Watson and Olivia Williams, two actresses renowned for their performances in such memorable works as Breaking the Waves and The Sixth Sense.
Dune: Prophecy is broadcast on Max from November 18, 2024.
Synopsis: In a future where mankind has traveled across the galaxy of a thousand planets, a mysterious sorority called Bene Gesserit navigates the political battles and imbroglios of the Imperium, pursuing a very specific goal of its own that will take its members as far as the enigmatic planet of Dune...
Dune: Prophecy transports us 10,000 years before the adventures of Paul Atreides, to the heart of the beginnings of the powerful religious organization, the Bene Gesserit. Based on the novel The Sisterhood by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, the series explores the tumultuous origins of this faction through the story of two Harkonnen sisters. Forced to battle dark forces threatening the future of humanity, their quest is rich in political intrigue and power struggles.
Aimed primarily at science-fiction fans and devotees of the Dune universe, Dune: Prophecy offers a fresh perspective on mythical elements of the saga. Its originality should lie in its approach to a story that predates the known main plot, exploring the genesis of concepts and cultures that define the world of Dune. This prequel could captivate those who enjoyed Fondation or The Expanse for its themes of galactic-scale conspiracies and intertwined destinies.
With a stellar cast and the promise of revelations about the complex past of the Dune universe, Dune: Prophecy is undoubtedly one of the most eagerly awaited series of the moment. Fans of the original saga and newcomers alike are invited to discover the origins of the Bene Gesserit, illustrating once again the richness and depth of the world created by Frank Herbert.
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