Datil, chef Manon Fleury's gourmet vegetarian restaurant

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Published by Manon de Sortiraparis · Photos by Manon de Sortiraparis · Published on February 26th, 2024 at 09:56 p.m.
Chef Manon Fleury finally takes the plunge and opens her first restaurant in Paris, Datil. With the entire foodosphere eagerly awaiting her arrival, she succeeds with flying colors, unveiling a cuisine imbued with naturalness, seasonality and humanity, with great delicacy.

The chef Manon Fleury, appreciated and esteemed by Parisian gourmets, is (finally) inaugurating her first restaurant in Paris. Named Datil after a variety of small plum endemic to the Lot region that almost became extinct, this long-awaited restaurant has opened in the Haut-Marais district, replacing Café Ineko. A figurehead of the new Parisian gastronomy scene, the young chef has put down her knives in this pretty long restaurant, with its small zenithal glass roof linking the front dining room to the back, opposite the open kitchen.

A former top-level fencer, Manon Fleury quickly became the darling of Parisian foodistos, revealing the extent of her talent at Le Mermoz, where she was chef from early 2018 to late 2019 after apprenticing alongside William Ledeuil at Ze Kitchen Galerie, at L'Astrance under Pascal Barbot, and then at Semilla with Eric Trochon.

Datil - DécorationDatil - DécorationDatil - DécorationDatil - Décoration

From that moment on, the chef's cooking was based on an eco-responsible approach, close to the earth and to people. Her cuisine is plant-based yet gourmet, healthy yet vibrant, generous yet human. After a residency at the Chalet des Îles Daumesnil , where she refined her vision of French gastronomy, moving away from classicism to reinvent a cuisine in tune with the issues of the day, Manon Fleury unveils Datil, a place in her image.

And it's a wonderful discovery that awaits those who step through the door of this little restaurant, confident in the talent of this chef who proves, if proof were still needed, that vegetarian cuisine can be just as moving, just as right and just as finely prepared as meat dishes.

Datil - DécorationDatil - DécorationDatil - DécorationDatil - Décoration

To achieve this, the chef takes great pleasure in working with her good produce from A to Z, proposing variegated declensions of the beautiful but also the humble pieces of fruit and vegetables she receives daily in the form of juices, tuiles, stuffings, broths or butters. At the center of the plate, greenery is highlighted bysubtle combinations with seafood or produce, but it is greenery that remains the queen of recipes.

For lunch, expect to pay €65 for the 4-course menu, €110 for the wine and food pairing menu; for dinner, €120 for the 7-course menu, €185 for the wine and food pairing menu. Don't be surprised to learn that Datil has been awarded its first Michelin star in just a few weeks' time - it's richly deserved. You'll have read it here first. The rest, in pictures...

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Datil - Amuse-bouches pommes de terreDatil - Amuse-bouches pommes de terreDatil - Amuse-bouches pommes de terreDatil - Amuse-bouches pommes de terre

Infusion of rosemary oil and potato
Potato mousse, seaweed powder, diced vinegar pear
Potato starch tile and beet juice

Datil - Amuse-bouches pommes de terreDatil - Amuse-bouches pommes de terreDatil - Amuse-bouches pommes de terreDatil - Amuse-bouches pommes de terre

Apple, pear and cinnamon juice
Buckwheat and chickpea tempura, potato julienne, dried sea lettuce
Seaweed tartar, fresh sea lettuce and grateloupia from Le Croisic

Datil - Beurre de graines de tournesolDatil - Beurre de graines de tournesolDatil - Beurre de graines de tournesolDatil - Beurre de graines de tournesol

Like butter
Roasted sunflower seeds, sunflower oil

Datil - Radis, Saint-Jacques, ailDatil - Radis, Saint-Jacques, ailDatil - Radis, Saint-Jacques, ailDatil - Radis, Saint-Jacques, ail

Sliced radish, raw scallops, almond cream, garlic and harissa
Bread soaked in lemon juice, wild cherry blossom, peppery seaweed

Datil - Autour du pakchoïDatil - Autour du pakchoïDatil - Autour du pakchoïDatil - Autour du pakchoï

Grilled sausage, peanut, oyster, spinach tomato
Pak choï, monkfish, peanut butter, vegetable sauce and oyster

Datil - Meringue italienne, pomme, agrumesDatil - Meringue italienne, pomme, agrumesDatil - Meringue italienne, pomme, agrumesDatil - Meringue italienne, pomme, agrumes

Italian meringue, apple and citrus
Lemon sorbet, lemon cream, Sichuan tile, kumquat and hazelnut

Datil - Mignardises autour du pruneauDatil - Mignardises autour du pruneauDatil - Mignardises autour du pruneauDatil - Mignardises autour du pruneau

Mignardises autour du pruneau
Rehydrated prune in syrup, blackberry cream, fig leaf oil
Parsnip and prune custard, like a pastel
Datil stone and blackberry infusion

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13 Rue des Gravilliers
75003 Paris 3

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