February 2 is World Wetlands Day, but it's also and above all the feast of pancakes, the famous Chandeleur. So why do we eat pancakes on this day, and how old is this tradition? We explain.
To better understand this tradition, we need to go back to the 5th century. At that time, the presentation of Jesus in the temple was celebrated. This Christian feast took place exactly 40 days after Christmas, on February 2. The Pope of the time, Gelasius I, came up with the idea of organizing candlelight processions (hence the name " Candlemas ") to mark this religious event. Gelasius I also decided to offer galettes to pilgrims in Rome.
Eating pancakes on February 2 also has its origins in pagan festivals. In those days, Candlemas referred to the fertility of the earth. Farmers used to bake crêpes with surplus flour from the previous year.
With their round shape and golden color, pancakes symbolized light, sunshine and the return of fine weather. Superstitious, they even devised a game to bring prosperity: blow up the first pancake in the right hand, with a gold coin in the left.
Today, Chandeleur is the perfect excuse to enjoy some delicious crêpes with family and friends. Buckwheat, wheat... they invite themselves into our homes every February 2, but also the rest of the year, to the delight of our taste buds!
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